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Morning-After Pill Information

Learn more about Plan B, ella and emergency contraceptives.

Morning-After Pills

Morning-after pills are any type of emergency contraceptive used after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure (e.g. a broken condom) to attempt to prevent pregnancy. The morning-after pill, also known as Plan B, is the most commonly used emergency contraceptive. The morning-after pill is not the same as the abortion pill or a chemical abortion and should not be used to end a pregnancy. If you think you are already pregnant, contact us for free testing today.

5 Day After Pills

Ella can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. However, like most drugs, it's important to talk to a medical professional about your health history and potential side effects before taking an emergency contraceptive. 


If you are already pregnant from an earlier sexual encounter, emergency contraceptives should not be taken and may cause unpleasant side effects. While we do not provide morning-after pills, we can answer your questions and test for pregnancy. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today.

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the Dalles Location

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1942 12th St.

Hood River, OR 97031


10 am - 5pm Tues, Wed & Thurs

3206 W 6th St. Ste. 200

The Dalles, OR 97058


10 am - 5pm Tues, Wed & Thurs

Hope Medical Clinic is committed to providing you with everything you need to make an informed pregnancy decision,  We believe women and men have a right to get information from a resource that will not profit from the choices and pregnancy decisions they make. All our services are free and confidential. We do not profit from any of your sexual health or pregnancy decisions. While we do not provide or refer for abortion services, we can answer your questions about side effects, what to expect, and more. The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical or legal advice.​ We are committed to protecting your health information. Please be aware that communicating via unencrypted text messaging or messaging services has some level of risk of being read by a 3rd party.

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